
We are pleased to share the presentation from our recent chapter meeting held in October. This session provided a comprehensive review of last term's achievements and outlined exciting plans for the coming term. Access Link: Let us continue working together towards our shared goals!

Exciting ASIS&T News

9 September 2024 Dear Colleagues, We are writing to share some exciting news about ASIS&T. The Board has made the strategic decision to partner with an association management company (AMC) to provide non-executive staffing to the association. While Lydia will remain our full-time Executive Director, ASIS&T has engaged Global Management Partners (GMP) to provide all other staff support for membership, meetings, publications, etc. GMP is an accredited, full-service association management company that provides professional management services to various member organizations and societies. The move into an AMC staffing model is being undertaken ...
ASIS&T would like to celebrate and recognize your accomplishments. Please share with us news of your tenure, promotion, doctoral defense, job change, publication and/or grant receipt. We will recognize these accomplishments in each issue of Inside ASIS&T. Please complete THIS FORM to let us know what you've done!
Unpack the Institute of Museum and Library Services application and peer-review process with this in-person half-day interactive workshop. Friday, 25 October 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM MDT In-Person A limited number of FREE registrations are still available courtesy of IMLS. Register HERE . Use discount code IMLSwkshp24 to register. Full Annual Meeting registration is require d . Already registered for the Annual Meeting? Add a workshop by either registering for it directly as a new event or adding to your existing registration through the InfoHub.
Important Dates Application due date: Tuesday, 28 May 2024 Awards notification date: Friday, 28 June, 2024 Award prize: $1500.00 – cover registration and travel to the 87th Annual, Calgary, Canada, 25-29 October 2024 The Award Calling all students studying IS/LIS related to ethical issues, legislation, policies, governance, and regulations affecting the information field and members of the information professions! The ASIS&T SIG-IEP Inaugural Student Engagement Award is an incredible opportunity to showcase your research and become an active participant in the ASIS&T community. By encouraging engagement with SIG-IEP, this award aims to empower ...
I thought I should take some time to reflect on my journey since my Ph.D. days in Japan. I am now a Professor at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. If I have learned and achieved much during this time, I think a huge part of that is because of ASIS&T. Below, I talk about how I joined ASIS&T, my first annual meeting, starting the South Asia chapter, and what I have gained through all of this. Perhaps, students and new researchers could get something from it. If I could do it, they surely can. In mid 2013, when I was a Ph.D. student at the School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, I was actively looking for knowledge ...
📣🎓 Extended: Call for Book Chapters: De Gruyter Book-2024 - due by December 25, 2023. ✨ Designing Next-Gen Libraries: Tools and Technological Impact on Library Systems and Services ISBN: 978-3-11-137093-4 | De Gruyter Saur, Germany Submit your abstract by December 25, 2023, directly to e-mail: Call for Book Chapter: #ngl2024 #next_gen_libraries #next_generation_libraries #libraries_of_the_future ...
AI and Law/Regulation in Australia and Globally: The Trajectory to Date Webinar: AI and Law/Regulation in Australia and Globally: The Trajectory to Date January 9, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST Join us for a discussion and comment on the role of law and regulation in the AI space and what is currently underway in this regard. This webinar discusses and compares what is currently in play in Australia vs what is currently being considered to be implemented, in light of and in consideration of what the current thinking in the AI space, particularly in relation to Generative AI, with other parts of the world, in particular EU and USA. Based on ...
Today, Indigenous women remain at the juncture of two knowledge systems. Hence, Indigenous women's role in preserving and digitalizing traditional knowledge in today's contemporary context outlines self-reliance, ingenuity, creativity and determination. Indigenous women's tenacity cannot be overstated. It is generally argued that information relating to cultural stories and communal practices should be studied within the everyday-life contexts, which provides the scope of the selected literature and aims for a strategic understanding of individual information-seeking and social interaction practices. Perhaps more important is employing the self-determination ...
Dear Fellow SIG-DL officers and members, As we promised, we will keep you up to date on the progress of the HINDAS project. HINDAS are grateful for the support of the Mentors by voluntarily sharing their knowledge, time and wisdom to guide the Mentees. So far, each Mentees has digitally met their Mentors twice and already planned their intention to submit for the ASIS&T Annual Meeting. Each Mentee has explicitly designed according to their research interest and the Mentors, for example; Mahbub E Shobhanee stated; our project is about Integrating bioinformatics resources of a particular crop. So, after our first meeting, I had drafted an outline with ...
Virtual Reality has taken the world by storm since its introduction, with the gaming industry no longer the only major beneficiary of its services. An analysis conducted by Grand View Research valued the global VR market at over $10 billion, with the value expected to grow over the coming years. The simulated environments provided in VR platforms are continually finding new roles in different markets and industries around the world. After the difficulties experienced in 2020, VR is expected to experience a resurgence in 2021 as the global market recovers from the COVID 19 pandemic. Virtual Reality – A quick Introduction In simple terms, Virtual Reality ...
Technical blogs and websites are a treasure trove for both marketers and tech enthusiasts. The blogs usually give us the latest information about technology as well as in-depth reviews and analysis of a wide range of products and gadgets available on the market today. Most people flock to leading tech blogs for recommendations and more information about products they are interested in before they make a final purchase decision. It, therefore, helps a lot to establish your website as a trusted source of information simply by guest posting on tech blogs. When you’re working hard to publish content on your own blog the concept of writing content for other ...
2021 is the year to start businesses that are profitable and thriving to try and make back the losses incurred in 2020. There is no better way to do this than starting a home-based business that does not require much startup capital and has limited risk. Another thing to look out for when starting a business in 2021 is its susceptibility to turbulent economic times. With that in mind, what are the best home-based businesses to try in 2021? Here are the top 5 home-based businesses to try out this year: Online pet store Pets are one of the most important individuals in many people’s lives and that’s why we like to take care of them the best way possible. ...
When you work in an office building, you will already know that a change of scenery, and people for that matter, is all you need to get that spark of creativity back. A coworking space is ideal for people who are cut from the same cloth to come together and find inspiration. This is the space where collaboration and sharing are optimized. It is too bad that coworking spaces are very limited and relatively new in many parts of the country. If you know that there is a need for a coworking space in your area, here are some tips on designing your own space. Know the end-goal and demand Before you can even begin to think about designing a coworking space, ...
China has massive appeal for business start-ups as a foreign company. It is a country that is on the lookout for such opportunities and has a wealth of low-cost labor and raw materials to offer as an incentive. It offers a number of ways of doing this, and all seem feasible. It’s best to check up on these and then work out which one suits you. Knowing how the country operates is step one to finding a foothold for your venture. Find the right location China is a massive country, seemingly with an opportunity around every corner. Choosing the right location, a strategic decision, is vital for you and your venture. You are going to need help with expanding ...
Parents the world over have been enlightened to the fact that they have the option of homeschooling. It is not that they did not know about the option, but they did not necessarily feel that they were equipped to do it. As schools were closed down the world over, parents were forced to teach their kids at home and what started as a daunting nightmare, many found to be the answer to their educational concerns. There are, however, two sides of the coin and although the parent might be ready to start homeschooling, the kids are not. They need to be weaned off traditional schooling if they are to survive the home classroom. Here is how to transition your ...
Security is a constant worry when it comes to information technology. Data theft, hacking, malware and a host of other threats are enough to keep any IT professional up at night. In this article, we’ll look at the basic principles and best practices that IT professionals use to keep their systems safe. The Goal of Information Security Information security follows three overarching principles, often known as the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity and availability). Confidentiality: This means that information is only being seen or used by people who are authorized to access it. Appropriate security measures must be taken to ensure that private ...
Dear colleagues, Greetings! This is a rather short notice but those who can juggle their schedules to accomodate this are welcome. The organizing committee of the iSchools Day for Africa would like to invite you for a Webinar on Monday 26th October as per the attached poster. This event is geared toward extending the activities of the iSchools caucus to Africa with the prospects of establishing the Africa Chapter of the iSchool caucus. This invitation had been extended to deans of faculties/schools but we would like to include information practitioners as well. Welcome all! Best regards, Humphrey iSchools_Poster.pdf
Greetings all! The SIG-AH Virtual Symposium is set to take place on August 5 th ! The symposium will focus on humanities data curation and visualization and we are now accepting proposals. Please send your presentation ideas to our SIG Chair, Julie Carmen ( ). Make sure to include your name, contact information, and brief description of your proposed Virtual Symposium topic. We look forward to seeing your ideas! Julie Carmen SIG AH Chair
Dear colleagues, Greetings from ASIS&T Central. I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and that your New Year is off a great start. Your staff has been busy since the winter break. Among our current priorities is selecting a new website and database platform that will greatly enhance your member experience and make your member benefits more readily accessible. Our hope is to have the database system launched ahead of registration for the 2019 annual meeting. Be on the lookout for news about the new system in April. Another activity that has kept us busy since Vancouver is identifying a venue for the 2020 Annual Meeting. Based on your feedback, ...